Date(s) - 06/10/2015
6:30 pm
The conference André Malraux and India [André Malraux et l’Inde] is proposed by Dr Peter Tame, Vice-President of the Amitiés Internationales d’André Malraux [International Friendship for André Malraux] and researcher affiliated to Queen’s University of Belfast in Northern Ireland.
Very early in his life, André Malraux gets interested in the East. In the 1920s, he travels through the East and visits India for the first time between 1929 and 1931; he will revisit it several times during his life. Western though, Eastern thoughts penetrate into his mind. In 1926, he publishes La Tentation de l’occident [The Temptation of the West], lyrical correspondence between two fictitious men, Ling, a Chinese who travels in Europe and A.D., a French travelling in the Far East. But it is in the Antimémoires [Anti-memoirs], a subsequent work, that Malraux meditates, in particular, on the destiny of India, the country which has already captivated him by its art, philosophy and religions. The relationship between André Malraux and India is complex and multiple. All his life he is attracted by the Indian culture and thought. Several books of Malraux illustrate such attraction and influence. This series of conferences provides discovery and detailed examination of the aforesaid relationship through André Malraux’s writings.