14 July marks a very important day in the hearts of every French person across the world. We at Alliance française du Bengale work to make the Indo-French bonds stronger and bring more stories and connections to the public each day.
While France is celebrating its Fête Nationale and the military parade has been held along the Champs-Elysees maintaining Covid protocols, we at AfdB have prepared a digital edition of the women’s role in the French revolution during the time.
Download the copy here.
Here are the list of sources for those interested :
Page 2: ‘The French Revolution: Crash Course European History #21’
Page 4: ‘Marie Antoinette (2006) Official Trailer 1 – Kirsten Dunst Movie’:
Page 5: ‘Clyde Marlo Plumauzille – Les Femmes dans la Révolution française’ – Interview of Prof. Plumauzille for Musée Carnavalet, Paris:
Page 6: Guillaume Débat, ‘Women in the French Revolution’, Hypotheses, 02/11/2020 (article):
Jone Johnson Lewis, ‘The Many Roles of Women in the French Revolution’, ThoughtCo, 12/03/2019 (article):
Page 7: ‘7 mars 2013 – Benoîte Groult, Alix de Saint André, Andreï Makine, Claude Pujade-Renaud’ – Interview of Benoîte Groult, presenting her book ‘Ainsi soit Olympe de Gouges’ (esp. from 5′ to 17’20”):
Page 8: Catel’s blog:
‘Olympe de Gouges, figure méconnue du féminisme, croquée par Catel Muller’ – Interview of the comic strip artist Catel Muller