Screening of Two Flags | directed by Pankaj Rishi Kumarbengaleadm2019-03-07T16:19:25+05:30March 8, 2019|
book launch and readings from OVER AND UNDERGROUND IN MUMBAI & PARISbengaleadm2019-02-03T19:56:21+05:30February 20, 2019|
Literary Sessions with Franco-Lebanese Graphic Novelist Joseph Safieddine and Illustrator Thomas Cadènebengaleadm2019-02-06T19:27:17+05:30February 8, 2019|
The Kolkata Festival : Live Music Concerts by Gianni Denito & Tritha Electricbengaleadm2019-02-03T09:36:25+05:30February 3, 2019|
Screening of ‘The Lighthouse, The Ocean and The Sea’: A Documentary by Ashoke Viswanathanbengaleadm2019-01-11T05:00:30+05:30January 12, 2019|
Exhibition & Short Films Screening by Marie-France Annassebengaleadm2019-01-08T15:09:22+05:30January 9, 2019|