To become a member, a registration form must be filled in, along with a passport size photo and ID proof of the applicant.

Students, teachers and members of Alliance française du Bengale are granted free membership to the Library on demand.

Students and teachers who are not associated with Alliance française may become members upon payment of an annual subscription of 500 INR as Membership fees plus 500 INR as Security Deposit. An identity proof confirming the status of the same is necessary in this situation.

For other external members, there is an annual subscription of 1000 INR plus 500 INR Security Deposit. The security deposit will be refunded if and when the user decides to terminate his membership.
At the end of the registration process, a membership card is issued.

With your membership card you get access also to the online library Culturethèque which you can find by clicking on this link : 


A valid Library membership card must be presented while borrowing documents.

The lending period is 3 weeks (21 days) for printed books, DVDs and periodicals. The maximum numbers that can be borrowed at a time is 5 including at the most 2 DVDs.

Items may be reserved in advance.

The lending period may be extended only once, on the users online account, by email, phone or at the library, as long as another person hasn’t reserved the same document. The request for an extension must be made no later than the original date of return.

All late returns will be subjected to a late fine of Rs.2/- (per book) and Rs. 5/-(per DVD). All further borrowing rights will be suspended whilst any late returns remain outstanding.

The library staff reserves the right to refuse further lending to users who have returned items in poor condition. A fine may also be levied.

The borrower must repay for a lost item, including importation costs if any.

Library Membership

Type of UserFeesEntitlement
Members, students, teachers of Alliance française du BengaleFree of cost5 documents including 2 movies for 3 weeks.

Registration to Culturethèque

Teachers and students (proof required)500 INR + 500 INR security deposit
Exteriors1000 INR + 500 INR security deposit