Alliance française du Bengale
57A Park Street, Park Mansions
Gate 3, Flat 15
KOLKATA 700 016 / India

For French classes, mail to:
[email protected]
or call on
+91 86-97-73-67-68


Reception:  Monday to Saturday (10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.)
Administrative & Translation department : Monday to Friday (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)


Director, Mr Nicolas FACINO
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +91 (33) 4006 4807

Course Director, Mrs Clémentine BERTSCHY MANDAL
Email: [email protected]

Examinations and certifications cell, Ms Amritapa BASU
Email: [email protected]

Manager Academic Partnerships, Ms Amritapa BASU
Email: [email protected]

Executive Assistant to the Director (Administration & Translation), Ms Nabanita SAHA
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +91 (33) 98-30-16-76-25

Head of Culture, Media & Partnership, Mrs Moitrayee DHAR
Email: [email protected]

Communication In-charge, Ms Sanghriti MUKHERJEE
Email: [email protected]

Designer, video maker & Teacher, Mr Agniva BAISYA
Email: [email protected]

Media Librarian, Ms Amineeta PAL
Email: [email protected]

Accountant & Resource Manager, Ms Rachna GUPTA
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +91 (33) 4006 4805

Academic Counsellors, Ms Ujjaini ROY & Mr Aritro CHATTERJEE
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +91 86-97-73-67-68

Maintenance and Logistics, Mr Ronald SHAH
Email: [email protected]

Polyvalent employee, Mr John PILLAI

Maintenance staff: Mr Suresh PAL BALMIKI, Mr Francis MOVIN, Mr Ashish BHATTACHARJEE

Campus France 

Alliance française du Bengale
57A Park Street, Park Mansions
Gate 3, Flat 15
KOLKATA 700 016 / India

Campus France office hours : Monday to Friday (10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.) – Only on appointment.

Campus France Manager, Mr. Sourav BHOWMIK
Email: [email protected]