Wall Art Festival: Bringing passion and colours to the streets


Date: 25/04/2022

Venue: NSHM Design School


4:00 PM- Conference.

6:00 PM- Inauguration

Registration link: https://forms.gle/bd4txbQN9Gk5UP5KA

Street art and urban culture generate enthusiasm both in India and in France. India has a long history of wall art in numerous regions which celebrates the infinite richness of its cultures to the world. France has a strong urban art scene (graffiti, hip-hop dance, rap, etc.). Both countries have many internationally recognized artists in both, wall art and urban culture scenes. The street art movement is also at the core of the reflection that redefines equality and expression for all in the public space of our modern societies. Wall Art Festival, in collaboration with Wicked Broz (WB), crossing many parts of the country aims to highlight that in 2022, equality is not a choice but a necessity.
In Kolkata, Skio would be coming. Skio’s first murals appeared in 1993 in the Côte d’Azur region, starting with mural letterings before moving on to figurative romantic topics fed by his pop and TV culture. His works mixing geometrical shapes and realistic portraits question our presence in the urban landscape by creating harmonious esthetics that balance geometry, anatomy, and color.