Held on the 8th of March, every year, International women’s day is hosted to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women from all across the globe. The pandemic-induced lockdowns have deepened inequalities in several parts of the world, exposing women and other marginal groups to grave social insecurities. Hence, this day also signifies the furtherance of the cause to fight against gender inequality and urges the global community to take immediate action to accelerate gender parity by instigating engaging discussion, hosting fundraisers in support of female-focused causes, etc.
The Embassy of France and the French Institute in India along with the network of Alliances Françaises in India are committed to promoting equality and fighting against all forms of discrimination.
To commemorate this historic day, in association with Institut Français en Inde is organizing a short film festival, “Pionnières du cinéma français” for two days starting from 8th March to 9th March 2022, (Tuesday and Wednesday). Every movie night we are going to showcase one movie by a list of prominent female pioneers of French cinema. The screenings will be followed by a panel discussion with distinguished guests.
All the names of the movies, directors, and panelists are to be revealed soon! Stay tuned and keep an eye on our social media channels to know more.
This Women’s day, Let’s promote Equality together!