Date(s) - 02/11/2017
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Alliance Française du Bengale
Tita Nzebi Concert
Alliance française du Bengale cordially invites you to a very special concert
Tita Nzebi, from Paris, France and Gabon, Africa
On Thursday, 2nd November at 7pm
At Alliance française du Bengale,
57A Park Street, Park Mansions
Free and open to all
Tita Nzebi is a young musician from Paris with roots in Gabon in central Africa. She is in Bengal on a 16-day tour from 20 October. Her musical journey connects us with the little known Nzebi community of Gabon. Tita is also well-known for recreating her south Gabonese village of Mbigou in Paris. She was inspired by the exceptional musicians she has had as company in spearheading this unique initiative. She was pursuing law in Gabon when she started learning music from Sam Mapindi Tsoumbou, the Ngumi group art director and composer. Then she moved to Paris, where she started giving concerts across cafés and bars. In 2006, Tita produced her first album, M’biss Miti, directed by Congolese guitarist Sec Bidens. With her second album, Metiani (I mean that), she confirmed her talent as a lyricist and composer. This is Tita’s maiden visit to India. She is also the first artist from Gabon to come to this country. Tita will be in Bengal till November 5. She has already collaborated with two folk musicians of Bengal — Gobinda Das Baul and Titas Sen. She is to also perform at select venues in the districts.
Click here to listen “Bol’a ngu” by Tita Nzebi.
Titas Sen, vocalist from Kolkata
Titas took interest in Bengali folk from a very tender age. Her father was her teacher in the initial years and later she took lessons from Dr. Tapan Roy in Bengali Folk music. She has also completed her masters in Comparative Literature from Jadavpur University. She released an album of Bengali folk songs called ‘Pragoitihasik’. Her playback ‘Rongila Rongila’ in the film ‘bhalobashar sohor’ was well appreciated. Her recent playback in the playback project ‘Rihaai’ of SRFTI (Satyajit Ray Film and Telivision Institute) has won gold in the India Film Project. She has performed in several shows across India.
Sandip Bag, from Kolkata
Sandip is a young percussion artist based in Kolkata. He has collaborated with quite a few visiting international artists in the past.
Tita Nzebi, de Paris
Dans le cadre, d’un échange culturel organisée par Banglanatak dot com la chanteuse franco-gabonaise Tita Nzebi se produit au Bengale Occidental durant une quinzaine de jours.
Le Gabon, où elle est née, la famille catholique dans laquelle elle a grandi, sa venue à Paris il y a quelques années. Les sources d’inspiration de Tita Nzebi sont multiples, toutes teintées d’émotion mais aussi de rythmes envoûtants.
Accompagnée dans une synergie impeccable par ses musiciens Serge Ananou et Ivan Rechard et des artistes de Calcutta le percussionniste Sandip et la chanteuse Titas, Tita Nzebi fait vivre ces rythmes africains avec tout son corps, une voix étonnamment puissante et une gestuelle particulièrement expressive. Une stupéfiante présence sur scène encourageant parfois le public à reprendre certains refrains.
On a l’impression de connaitre ce petit bout de femme depuis toujours. Il y a ainsi parfois des rencontres magiques, avec des personnes qui rayonnent de quelque chose d’extraordinaire. Tita est de celles-là : même en chantant en Nzebi, elle communique avec son public de manière presque magique.