Date(s) - 20/06/2017
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Alliance française du Bengale
Theatre Adda – Park Street sessions presents a talk titled : “An introduction to the afterlife – Death & beyond“, by Baishaki Saha.
Theatre Adda-Park Street (TAPS) sessions have been hosting international & local theatre, performance art, lectures & other programs since 2015. The sessions are curated & organized by Alliance francaise du Bengale & Culture Monks.
Death & beyond:
What happens after death? Where do we come from and where do we go? Why are we born and what is the purpose of life? Is there an afterlife? Do we live many lives and is reincarnation real? What happens when one commits suicide? What are the Akashic Records? Are we living parallel lives & alternate realities?
About the speaker
BAISAKHI SAHA was born in Kolkata; she grew up in different states of India, each with totally new culture, creed, color, custom, costume and cuisine, as if she was always in a different country! So her childhood was a preparation for what was to come in adulthood. Multilingual, she speaks six languages.
A globe-trotter, the author has lived in different countries across five continents on various student exchange programs, learning the language of life and love from diverse perspectives of reality. From a software graduate to a marketing executive to an English teacher, an interpreter and now a writer, speaker, dancer and actor, mysterious coincidences have led her from one place to another, contriving her to live her destiny, to leave a legacy…
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